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Featured Book
The Divine Code, 4th Edition, Parts I-VIII

This landmark book of the Noahide Code has principles and full details, which Rabbi Moshe Weiner explains with sharpness and depth.

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The Divine Code, 4th Edition, Parts I-VIII
Featured Insight
Song at the Sea: Torah codes for major events 19’90-20...

The Song at the Sea Ex. 15:1-19 has codes that predict the Gulf War, Indian Ocean tzunami, COVID-19, their dates, and the conflict between Iran & Israel in 20'24

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Song at the Sea: Torah codes for major events 19’90-20’24
Featured Question
Where is Mount Sinai located?

"Our People", vol. 1, shows a map of the Israelite's probable route through the desert, drawn per the Rebbe's instructions. Mount Sinai is shown south of Arish

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Where is Mount Sinai located?
Featured Video
Why You Are Especially Cherished

The 10th of Shevat (1 Feb. 20'23) is 72 years after leadership of Chabad transferred to the Rebbe. In this 7th generation, our task is prepare the world for G-d's...

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Why You Are Especially Cherished
Featured Audio
Radio Interview – “What Matters” on WENG

The Executive Director of Ask Noah International was interviewed about the Seven Noahide Commandments on 20 Jan. '12, by Ilana Marks on radio station WENG, Florida (36 minutes).

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Radio Interview – “What Matters” on WENG
Featured Insight
Creation is More Miraculous than Splitting the Red Sea

Chassidic insights for understanding the "higher level Unity" and the "lower level Unity" of G-d (at least in a small way).

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Creation is More Miraculous than Splitting the Red Sea

Welcome to Ask Noah International

Guidance for individuals, families, and communities about

The 7 Commandments in
G-d's Moral Code for Mankind

The Noahide (or Noachide) moral code of Seven Universal Commandments was given to Noah and his children after the Flood. It assured them that humanity would never degenerate into a jungle again. It prohibits (1) idolatry, (2) blasphemy, (3) homicide, (4) forbidden relations, (5) robbery, and (6) eating meat that was taken from a still-living animal (cruelty to animals), and it also includes a requirement (7) for societies to establish courts of justice. The details included in these fundamental commandments provide the guidelines for truly ethical behavior.

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This Divine Code is the foundation of all true morality. Ask Noah teaches about these eternal commandments in the light of their sources in the Torah of Moses, along with insights about the nature of creation and the important roles of all people as individuals and members of society. By fulfilling our potential within the context of this covenant, the spiritual goal for the creation is reached. This is how the world becomes a beautiful gem. where G-d will dwell with us in a revealed way!

These Goals will uplift your life and those around you:

Increase your knowledge of the One True G-d.


  • G-d’s holy Name
  • The sanctity of all human life
  • Relationships in the traditional family
  • The property of other people
  • All living creatures.

Uphold righteousness in your judicial system.

And light up the world with acts of goodness & kindness!

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The Noahide lifestyle is permeated with meaning. To be moral is to live a fulfilling life, not only in theory but in practice as well. And it is the way prescribed by G-d. Every person interested in following the Seven Commandments of Noah can greatly benefit from the wealth of Torah insights on everything from birthdays to the purpose of creation. Enhance your knowledge, and you will enrich your life.

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We invite you to view our categories below for questions from others interested in following the Seven Laws of Noah. You can also visit the AskNoah forum for answers categorized by the Seven Laws, or email us for an expert answer.

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The 7 Noahide Commandments

G-d gave the first six commandments to Adam and Hava (Eve). These were repeated to Noah after the Flood, and a seventh was added, when G-d established the Covenant of the Rainbow with Noah and all of the world’s creatures. At Mount Sinai, G-d taught the Torah’s precepts through Moses, including G-d’s directive for all Gentiles to observe the 7 Noahide Laws. A Gentile merits to receive a place in the eternal future World to Come, in the Messianic Era, through careful and pious observance of these universal commandments. Information about the Noahide Laws in the Biblical text and their great significance is given in the categories below.

Excerpts from entry for 19th Shevat in “HaYom Yom,” compiled by the Lubavitcher Rebbe:

In the words of Rambam [Maimonides],* "To know that there is a First Being, Who caused the existence of all beings... The knowledge of this principle is a positive command, as it is said, I am the Eternal your G-d."
This is a mitzva [commandment] relating to mind and intellect... it is the duty of the mind and intellect to bring this faith to a level of knowledge and comprehension. This is the meaning of, "To know that there is a First Being;" the mitzva specifies comprehension and intellectual grasp, as written in Torah... "serve Him with a whole heart" [Chronicles I 28:9], and it is also written, "know this day [and consider it in your heart, that the L-rd, He is G-d in Heaven above, and upon the earth below; there is none else]." [Deut. 4:39]
*Mishneh Torah, Foundations of the Torah 1:1.

From the entry for 5th of Tevet in “HaYom Yom,” compiled by the Lubavitcher Rebbe:

When Moshiach [the true Messiah] comes, we will realize the greatness of acknowledgement [belief] and earnestness, everyone's pure faith in G-d and His Torah and commandments. Human comprehension – even on its highest level – is limited. But faith is a feeling that is boundless. Moshiach will explain the magnificent achievement of earnest service to G-d flowing from the heart.