G-d gave six commandments to Adam, and He added a seventh in the Covenant of the Rainbow with Noah.
Sources and Timeline for the 7 CommandmentsThe 7 Noahide Laws are coded in Genesis 2:16. Five are explicitly found in verses in Genesis, one is in Leviticus.
The Prohibition of IdolatryBelief in G-d & the prohibition of idolatry are the foundation of the Noahide Code.
The Prohibition of Blasphemy against G-dThe prohibition of blasphemy means not curse the Creator as He is known by His holy Names.
The Prohibition of TheftOne must be very careful about theft, since there are many details and one naturally covets money.
The Prohibition of Murder and InjuryThe Noahide prohibition of murder is given in Genesis 9:6, “Whoever sheds the blood of man, among man, his blood shall be shed.
The Prohibition of Forbidden Sexual RelationsGenesis states, "a man shall leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife, and they shall become one flesh".
Prohibition of Eating Meat of a Live Animal; Animal Welfare/Humane SlaughterDon't eat meat removed from a living land mammal or bird, such as bobbed lambs' tails.
The Command to Establish Just Laws and CourtsThe 7 Noahide Laws are coded in Genesis 2:16. Five are explicitly found in verses in Genesis, one is in Leviticus. The timeline at Mount