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Repentance and Atonement

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Repentance and Atonement

Meanings of repentance, forgiveness & atonement for Gentiles Expand

When a person sins, evil clings to his soul. To receive forgiveness and a spiritual reward for doing good, he needs repentance, and atonement to clean his soul. Read more »

What is the best way to encourage repentance? Expand

Admonishment should be privately & quietly, not angrily. The best way to get a person to mend his ways is to talk pleasantly about the greatness of doing good. Read more »

What’s the Jewish outlook on the Book of Jonah? Expand

The Book of Jonah teaches that all people are obligated to pray to God for their needs, including repentance for sins, combined with resolve to improve their ways. Read more »

How are sins forgiven without blood sacrifice? Expand

The concept that the Jewish service of sacrifices in the Holy Temple brought them forgiveness from sin is a false interpretation of the Hebrew text. The truth is that G-d forgives in response to personal repentance. Read more »

What prayers are appropriate for repentance by individuals? Expand

Suggestions for prayerful repentance, and Psalms and verses a Noahide may recent before going to bed at night. Read more »

If one repents & sins again, is further repentance accepted? Expand

One's patience will be thin if he is asked for forgiveness many times. But God has no limitations. His patience for those who sincerely turn to Him is infinite. Read more »

How can my prayers of repentance be effective? Expand

At any time, a person can sincerely repent for a past sin, which may have been committed multiple times, and resolve not to repeat it again in the future. Read more »

What if you break a Noahide Law and don’t repent? Expand

A Gentile is judged by G-d according to the majority of his actions and ways, and if his good deeds outweigh his unrepented sins, he will merit a reward for his soul in the Heavenly realm after his passing. Read more »