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The Noahide Way of Life

Understanding the Synagogue (the Shul)

An Orthodox synagogue (a "shul") temporarily serves in place of t...

A Feminist Perspective of Life Based on Torah

A feminist perspective on the beauty and inner meaning of Torah-b...

Shavuot: Laws, Conscience, Ethics and Oral Torah from Sinai

Gentiles reach fulfillment by observing the 7 Commandments with a...

Spiritual Principles and Divine Service for Noahides

A Noahide reviews several basic principles of religious doctrine ...

A Noahide’s Requests to Observant Jews

A Noahide woman shares her perspective on the obligation of obser...

Obligation for Noahide Outreach

This audio lesson is a translation of a talk by the Lubavitcher R...

What are Mitzvos for Gentiles?

If a Jewish mitzvah is rationally incumbent and gives logical per...

Holidays for Noahides: What are the Guidelines

Learn how to distinguish the Jewish and non-Jewish holidays that ...

A National Day of Prayer for Universal Prayers

A National Day of Prayer stresses the universal importance for a...

Noahides in the Days of Moshiach

In the Messianic Era which will be here soon, all Gentiles in tha...

Getting Started on Observing the Noahide Code

This audio lesson gives advice on how a Gentile can get started w...

Thoughts from a Student of the Noahide Code

Audio reading of a message for everyone, from a student of the N...

The Covenant of the Rainbow opened the way for repentance

By repenting here in this physical world we draw down from the sp...

Inspiration from a Total Eclipse of the Sun

An eclipse of the sun inspires awe of the One God Who created the...

The Morality of Doing Good – Make the World a Better Place!

Every act of kindness we do is like a pebble dropped in the water...

A Faithful Understanding of the Creation

Chassidic insight into understanding the creation through underst...