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The Rebbe on Education and the Noahide Code

Better Education is Key to Healthy Society

From 19th Kislev in 19'81 (anniversary of the release of the Alte...

A Moment in School to Save the World – Parts 1, 2 and 3

There is only one way to ensure that a child grows up to be decen...

Education and Sharing Day USA

In this talk, for Education Day USA, the Rebbe discusses the core...

Government should support education based on faith in G-d

Children need education about faith in G-d. The USA was founded ...

Teaching Good Morals Extends Outside the Classroom

A talk on 19th Kislev in 19'81: Ensuring that students learn and ...

The Call for a Moment of Silence in Public Schools

A moment of silence at the beginning of every school day brings s...

Clarity of Moral Purpose in Education

In recognition of "Education and Sharing Day U.S.A.," on his birt...

Special Broadcast: A Moment to Save the World

A documentary presentation on the Rebbe's warning that if the pat...

How to Fix Public School Systems – by Raising Moral Children

Children are being raised without moral guidance in school. The a...