Going Beyond the Seven Laws
A Noahide may light Hanukkah candles without saying blessings, to publicize the Divine miracles and educate one's family and others about the greatness of G-d. Read more »
The 2 types of duties in the Noahide Code are (1) the 7 Laws & their offshoots, and (2) ways that intellect requires one to behave in for civilizing society, but aren't commanded for Gentiles. Read more »
A Gentile is only liable for a transgression of the Noahide Commandments in two ways. (a) If he performed the forbidden act knowingly. (b) If he knew that there is a significant probability that he might be performing the forbidden act. (Committing unintentional... Read more »
The media tells evil gossip (lashon hara) about public figures. It is not forbidden to repeat it since it is common knowledge, but it is a bad trait to feel good about people's failings. Read more »
The traditional readings for Tisha B'Av from the Tanach (Hebrew Bible) are permitted for Noahides to read, as is the rest of Tanach. Read more »
In our time, women are accepting greater roles in societies. The Rebbe addressed the question: Should these opportunities for women be embraced, or should they be rejected as negative trends or perhaps due to conflicts with traditional values? Read more »
Parts of kabbalah relating to the Noahide Code (the greatness of G-d, His Unity, etc.), as they are explained in Chassidus, are permitted for Noahides to learn. Read more »
“The law of the kingdom is the law” is an injunction from the Talmud regarding monetary laws. It is included within the Noahide commandment for Laws and Courts, since it is for the good of society. Read more »
How does "Hear O Israel, the L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is One" apply for a Noahide if it's directed specifically to the Jewish people? Isn't it commanded for all people to believe in the Unity of the One G-d? Read more »
There is no Commandment that Gentiles are required to practice tithing. Rather, G-d expects Gentiles to observe the general requirements of any of the 613 Jewish Commandments that a person is duty-bound to follow according to the dictates of human logic and Torah-based... Read more »