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The Rebbe’s Advice

Thank G-d for any doctors who do their mission from G-d

The mission of doctors to heal is enabled and mandated by G-d. Th...

The Rebbe on Race Relations and Social Unrest

In the wake of racial tension, this video looks at the Rebbe's ad...

America’s Mandate: Energy Independence

The Rebbe stated in 19'81: to counter evil, the US must be free o...

Use Torah Principles for Correctional Systems

Torah never specifies a prison term as punishment for crime, beca...

Blessing the Nations of the World

The Rebbe instructs that Jews mustn't wish or mention non-blessin...

The Deeper Meaning of Tears (English & French)

The gematria of the Hebrew word dimah (tears) is 119 + the word i...

A Guiding Message from the Rebbe for the New U.S. President

Torah demands that a true leader advocate for both the community'...

How to Benefit Everyone in a City

The Rebbe explained to NYC Council Pres. Francis Smith, at a time...

A Personal Fall is for the Sake of Rising Higher

The Rebbe discusses the inner reason behind personal failures. Al...

The Good Inclination vs. The Bad Inclination

A person must strengthen his Good Inclination to break though the...

You Have the Responsibility and the Ability to be a Leader

A person develops from leadership over his own body and desires, ...

Humans and Animals Originated in the East

The Rebbe explains the spreading out of animals and people over t...

Love Yourself, Stop the Violence

The organization “Love Yourself, Stop the Violence”, founded ...

Kosher Meditation: When it Applies

The Lubavitcher Rebbe explains what is and is not permitted in p...

What is True Beauty?

The Rebbe said [Prov.]: 'Beauty is false...a God-fearing woman is...

Motivate your nation to follow the creed “In G-d We Trust”

What matters most in governing, especially for a President or Pri...

The Rebbe’s advice about requesting a blessing

In this video, the Lubavitcher Rebbe gives his advice about askin...

How To Choose A Mentor (English and French)

It is essential to learn life values from another person whom one...