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Other Special Days

Advice for Meaningful Birthdays

Most importantly, gather your family and friends for a festive ga...

What is Hanukkah, in a Deeper Perspective?

The main aspect of Hanukah is the spiritual miracle, but there wa...

How Noahides should relate to the Seventh Day (Saturday)

Adam did not receive a command about a Sabbath. G-d told him to f...

33rd Day of the Omer, Lag B’Omer: Universal Message

Lag B'Omer (18 Iyar, starts the evening of May 25 in 20'24) comme...

1st of Shevat and the Book of Deuteronomy

"On the 1st of the 11th month [Shevat] in the 40th year... Moses ...

Special Days for Noahides During the Year

It is permissible for Noahides to participate in national holiday...

Connection Between Noah’s Ark and a Sukkah

A sukkah represents peace. In Noah’s ark, peace was present. Al...

Rabbi Moshe Weiner’s Passover Message for All Noahides

Rabbi Moshe Weiner's Passover message: a call to spread out the u...

Sharing in the Joy of Hanukkah

Gentiles can mark Hanukkah with Psalms, learning its history and ...

Passover Message to the Noahide Convention in Kenya

Ask Noah's Passover message to the 3rd Noahide Convention in Keny...

Yud-Tes (19th) Kislev: the Rosh HaShanah for Chassidic Teachings

A brief account of the Alter Rebbe's arrest in Czarist Russia aft...

Information for Noahides about Purim

A Noahide may read the Book of Esther on Purim, and there are num...

1st & 2nd Temples Destroyed on 9th of Av: May Noahides Fast?

Is it OK for a Noahide to fast on Tisha B'Av, the date when the T...

Tu B’Shevat: Rosh HaShana (New Year) for Trees

The 15th of Shevat (6 Feb. in 20'23) has its own customs based o...

Message From Sinai: Morality is Based on the Torah of Moses

Ethics from Sinai is the guarantee for behaving according to mora...

Lesson from Hanukkah to Publicize the 7 Laws

Hanukkah's theme: illuminate the “outside” which includes pro...

The Reason for Celebrating a Birthday

For weeks a fetus is complete with all needs provided. Upon birth...

Siege of the First Temple on Tenth of Teves

A role of Jews is to teach the 7 Noahide Laws. In the Book of Eze...

Messages of Passover: Unity of G-d & Overcoming Limitations

1) The Complete Unity and Unlimited Power of G-d. 2) A Personal ...

Moshiach’s Meal: 7 Laws & Last Day of Passover

The Baal Shem Tov said: Bringing the Messiah and the final redemp...

The “Great” and Unique Sabbath Before the Redemption

From the miracle of the Sabbath before the Passover Exodus it's c...