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Noahide Outreach

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Noahide Outreach

What is the universal lesson from the Book of Esther? Expand

Purim is a time to bring goodness, justice, and righteousness to all the Gentile nations through the 7 Laws of Noah. Read more »

Have the Noahide Laws been recognized by any governments? Expand

The U.S. Congress in 1991 declared that the "ethical values and principles … upon which our great Nation was founded … have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws.” Read more »

What is the connection between Jews and Noahide outreach? Expand

If the purpose of the physical world is to make it a dwelling place for G-d, then spreading the Seven Laws of Noah to spiritually refine the Gentiles must certainly be at the forefront of that task. Read more »

Why isn’t there more outreach for the 7 Laws? Expand

Broader efforts have started to introduce the teachings of the "Seven Laws for the Children of Noah" to people in the general public around the world. Read more »

Do non-Torah religions conflict with the 7 Noahide Laws? Expand

There are rungs of ascending spiritual levels that one can achieve as a Gentile. Beyond the obligation to observe just the letter of the Seven Noahide Commandments, a Gentile can progress further to take on the Torah-based faith of the Noahide Code. Read more »