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The Noahide Faith

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The Noahide Faith

Who is authorized to ordain Noahide judges? Expand

Who has authority to ordain Noahide judges? In the Torah law of the Noahide Code it seems this could only be valid if implemented in a government's legal system. Read more »

What is the lesson of the 10 Plagues in Egypt? Expand

The 10 Plagues in Egypt teach about the unity of G-d: Everything in the world is controlled by Him alone. Read more »

Two Types of Obligations in the Noahide Code Expand

The 2 types of duties in the Noahide Code are (1) the 7 Laws & their offshoots, and (2) ways that intellect requires one to behave in for civilizing society, but aren't commanded for Gentiles. Read more »

Do the 7 Noahide Laws reflect the purpose of creation? Expand

In his work "Gevurot HaShem." Rabbi Judah Loew, the Maharal of Prague, provided deep insights on the 7 Noahide Laws and how they are reflected in Biblical history. Read more »

How can I be a Noahide / Righteous Gentile? Expand

With the reward to Righteous Gentiles who follow the 7 Laws of Noah, many people want to go on this path. But how to start? Here are thoughts on how to proceed. Read more »

What more can the Noahide Code teach about murder? Expand

The Noahide prohibition of murder and injury is given in Gen. 9:6 - “Whoever sheds the blood of man, among man, his blood shall be shed; for in the image of G-d He made man.” One must respect the lives of others -... Read more »

How Are Abortion and Euthanasia Classified in the Noahide Code? Expand

Explanation of the Noahide prohibition of murder, including the precepts related to abortion and euthanasia, based on "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner of Jerusalem. Read more »

What are Righteousness and Principles of Faith for Gentiles? Expand

Attaching the description of righteous to observance of the Noahide Laws can only be correct if they are accepted and observed correctly as commands from God. Read more »

When did the 7 Laws become Torah Law at Sinai? Expand

Timeline of G-d's re-affirming the Noahide Laws at Mount Sinai, where He commanded them with specific details as part of the eternal Torah of Moses. Read more »

Do Noahides celebrate secular holidays? Expand

Celebrating historical / secular events is permitted for Noahides (e.g. the Independence Day or Labor Day of your country), and national days for thanks and praise to the One G-d. Read more »