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The Messiah and the Third Temple

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The Messiah and the Third Temple

What is the meaning of 1290 & 1335 years in Daniel 12:11-12? Expand

At the end of the Book of Daniel, the angel told him there will be waiting times of 1290 & 1335 years, but he was not told the meaning. It has now been revealed. Read more »

What is one of the names of the Messiah? Expand

Our Sages ask: “What is the Messiah's name?” and reply “The metzora [one afflicted with tzaraas; see Lev. ch. 13] of the House of Rebbi [the sage Rabbi Yehudah the Prince].” Read more »

Is there a connection between miracles and the Messiah’s coming? Expand

Rambam teaches that there will be 2 periods in the Messianic Era: one directly following Mashiach's coming when the natural order will continue, and then a miraculous period including the Resurrection of the Dead. Read more »

Where is the Holy Ark located today? Expand

The holy ark is still lying hidden in the deep vault which King Solomon constructed when he built the First Temple, connected to the place of the Holy of Holies by maze-like tunnels. Read more »

What is the Role of Gentiles in Perfecting the World? Expand

The culmination of Mashiach's (the Messiah's) tasks (after he has become confirmed as "definitely Mashiach") is his activity toward the rectification of the world and of the Gentile nations. Read more »

What is the role of Elijah the Prophet (Eliyahu HaNavi) in bringing the Messianic Era? Expand

Elijah will come to establish peace, as it says: "He will bring back the hearts of the fathers to the children." Some say he will appear before Moshiach (the true Messiah) comes. Read more »

Noahides and the 3rd Holy Temple during Sukkot Expand

Gentiles were welcomed to bring their sacrificial offerings for G-d to the First and Second Temples, and they will participate even more at the Third Temple - especially during the festival of Sukkot (Zech. 14:16). Read more »