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Torah-based Morality

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Torah-based Morality

What is the best way to encourage repentance? Expand

Admonishment should be privately & quietly, not angrily. The best way to get a person to mend his ways is to talk pleasantly about the greatness of doing good. Read more »

COVID-19 Pandemic in Light of the Laws of Noah Expand

Problems in the COVID-19 pandemic could be addressed with the obligation for all nations and people to abide by the ethics of the Seven Universal Commandments. Read more »

What is the best government policy to follow at this time? Expand

To assist countries suffering from famine, etc., or to prevent war, governments need to promote observance of the Noahide Code. This will bring an enduring world and will bring us to the Messianic Era. Read more »

What is the Key to Ending Violence? Expand

By valuing the human spirit as created in the image of G-d, we will value the lives of all people. Let's encourage nations to embrace morality. (Condensed from and essay by Rabbi J. J. Hecht.) Read more »

Are there any animals that we can learn from? (text & video) Expand

The Mishnah says "Be bold as a leopard, light as an eagle, swift as a deer, and strong as a lion, to do the will of your Father in Heaven." What is the meaning? Read more »

Can one realistically never be angry? Expand

Anger that comes from lack of faith in G-d is negative. One needs to be objective and recall the fact of Divine Providence, so the mind can control the emotions. Read more »

What can we learn from the Seven Laws of Noah? Expand

A person is obligated to contemplate the commands given to him by G-d, and to understand what he is obligated and forbidden to do and how to better his character. Read more »

Should parents push college? Expand

My adult kids don’t seem to want to grow up. What should I do? Read more »

A lesson from Sinai: Is there morality without commandments? Expand

A person should strive at all times to live and act in accordance with G-d's Will. It is thus incumbent on a person to learn what he is commanded by God. Read more »