It is no coincidence that these two holidays occur around the sam...
On 17 Tammuz, Jews begin 3 weeks of mourning over the destruction...
The theme of the 2nd Passover on 14 Iyar (May 22 in 20'24) is tha...
At the Lag B'omer parade before the Six Day War, the Rebbe announ...
Through the Entebbe rescue, G-d granted us the opportunity to obs...
Tu B'Shevat (15th Shevat / Feb. 6, 20'23) is the day in the year ...
We are told that the redemption from slavery in Egypt occurred pr...
From the Alter Rebbe: When great tzaddikim pass away G-d's kindne...
The preparation for receiving the Torah at Sinai began with the w...
Haman rejoiced that his lots fell in Adar since Moses died in Ada...