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Chassidic Insights

* The Chassidic Approach to Joy

The Chassidic Approach to Joy teaches that everything that happen...

* The Four Worlds of the spiritual realm

The Rebbe Rayatz (yahrzeit on 10 Shevat) explains the four spirit...

* True Existence: A Chassidic Discourse on the Unity of G-d

To worship a "partner" (shittuf) with G-d is idolatry. Gentiles a...

* The Gate of Unity and Faith (Shaar HaYichud VeHaEmunah)

This book explains the complete Unity of G-d by reconciling the v...

* The Principles of Education and Guidance

Within this volume are the practical, spiritual steps a teacher m...

* To Know G-d: A Chassidic Discourse by Rabbi Shalom DovBer

Read on-line! This discourse by the Rebbe Rashab probes the unity...

* The Key to Chassidus: The Gate of Unification ch. 1-15

Free PDF download! Expert basic explanation of The Gate of Unific...

* A Judgment of Truth and Mercy

Read on-line! When the Rebbe DovBer was arrested due to false sla...

Knowledge and Faith

This Chassidic discourse by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi discusse...