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* The Key to Chassidus: The Gate of Unification ch. 1-15


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This is a trusted expert overview and explanation of The Gate of Unification [SHAAR HAYICHUD] by the “Mittler” Rebbe. That is the title of the second Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi DovBer. This book explains Kabbala concepts through the light of Chassidic teachings, in the manner of Chassidic Meditation. It details the “Chain of Descent” of the infinite Divine light as G-d contracts it from level to level for the purpose of creating the spiritual and physical realms from nothing (ex nihilo).

For a 4-part video course that gives an introduction to The Gate of Unification (or Unity), CLICK HERE.

The Gate of Unification should not be confused with the work Sha’ar HaYichud Ve’Haemunah (The Gate of Unity and Faith). That earlier book (also recommended) was written by the Alter Rebbe, as Part 2 of the Tanya.