* The Gate of Unity and Faith (Shaar HaYichud VeHaEmunah)

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We present this as a stand-alone PDF file. It was created using a free-download file from HebrewBooks.org, where it is the first part of a larger book.
About the book
This work of fundamental Chassidic insights is Book 2 of the Tanya, by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. In 12 chapters, it explains the complete Unity of G-d by reconciling two verses from the Torah and Jewish liturgy. These are “…G-d is One”[1] and “Blessed be the name of the glory of His kingdom for ever and ever”[2].
The total Oneness of G-d is a universal fundamental principle of faith and the foundation of the prohibition of idolatry. The prohibition of idolatry applies for all mankind, and is one of the Seven Noahide Commandments. Therefore, this work is highly recommended for Noahides and all righteous Gentiles.
In these chapters, you will discover how Rabbi Shneur Zalman explains the kabbalistic concepts in a way that is logical and straightforward. One of the subjects he explains is how G-d brings about creation ex nihilo (“from nothing”) through infinitely many combinations, substitutions and transpositions of 22 creative powers. These powers are the 22 Hebrew letters of G-d’s divine speech, as in Genesis ch. 1.
We have specifically selected this work for Noahides from the first part of Lessons In Tanya, Vol. III, which presents the main text with additional line-by-line explanations and footnotes.
(The second part of Lessons In Tanya, Vol. III, is Book 3 of Tanya, which is both in-depth and largely not relevant to the Noahide Code. Therefore it is not recommended for Gentiles / Noahides, and we have omitted it from this PDF file. Instead, we have incorporated the concepts that are relevant for Noahides into an article on repentance and atonement.)
[1] Deuteronomy 6:4.
[2] Tractate Pesachim 56a.
Video classes taught by Rabbi Menachem Feldman:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2