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Rebbe’s Message on Lag B’Omer Before 6-Day War

The Lubavitcher Rebbe gave this prophetic address at the Lag B’omer (18th of Iyar) Parade in 19’67. That year it fell on May 28, less than a week before the Six Day War.

The Rebbe announced then that G-d is protecting the Jews in the Holy Land. G-d is sending them His blessings in added measure, so that they will emerge from their current situation successfully.

Lag B’Omer is the day of celebration of the great sage Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai (or bar Yochai). He is famous for expounding the verse Psalms 133:1, “Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell in unity.”

Events related to Torah and its mitzvos (commandments: 613 for Jews and 7 for Gentiles) are not “of the past.” Rather, they instruct us about how we must conduct ourselves and what we must do. The goal is to bring out the image of G-d in which we are created.

You have a unique privilege when you learn Torah or perform an act of goodness and kindness or a mitzvah. Use it to influence your friends and family to do the same, thereby doing your part to bring Moshaich now.

By Dr. Michael Schulman
Director, Ask Noah International
Text adapted in part from Living Torah, Disc 88 Program 350