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What prayer can Noahides use to accept G-d’s Kingship? (9 languages)

Noahides are encouraged to make a verbal statement in their daily prayers that they are accepting upon themselves the faith in the Unity and Kingship of the One True G-d. This is called accepting “the yoke of the Kingship of Heaven” (in Hebrew, “ol Malkhut Shamayim”). For all Gentiles, this applies especially on Rosh HaShanah – more than any other day of the year – because that is the central theme of Rosh HaShanah as it applies for all mankind: it is G-d’s annual Day of Judgment, and it is the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Hava (Eve).

To provide an authorized text for this declaration of faith, the following paragraph* was composed by Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet, o.b.m., as a recommended daily prayer by which Noahides can express their verbal acceptance of the absolute Unity and Sovereignty of G-d:

Almighty G-d, we accept upon ourselves that which is written in Your Torah: “You shall know this day and take to your heart that G-d [alone] is G-d, in the heavens above and on the earth below – there is none other!”[1]  We affirm the precepts of “You shall love G-d, your G-d, with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your might;”[2]  and “Fear G-d, your G-d, and serve Him, and in His Name [alone] shall you vow;”[3] and, as it says, “Fear G-d and keep His commandments, for that is a person’s entire duty.”[4]


Source verses:
[1] Deuteronomy 4:39…….[2] Deuteronomy 6:5
[3] Deuteronomy 6:13…….[4] Ecclesiastes 12:13

*Published in The Divine Code and Prayers, Blessings, Principles of Faith, and Divine Service For Noahides.

Here is the prayer in 8 more languages (click on the language heading for link to purchase prayer booklet for Noahides):

Dutch translation:

Verklaring van G-d’s Eenheid en Heerschappij:

Almachtige G-d, wij aanvaarden wat geschreven is in Uw Torah: “U zult op deze dag weten en met uw hele hart beseffen dat er Een G-d is in de hemel boven en op de aarde beneden – er is geen ander.” Wij bevestigen de volgende voorschriften: “U zult G-d, uw G-d liefhebben met heel uw hart, met heel uw ziel, en met al uw kracht”. En: “Vrees G-d, uw G-d, en dien Hem, en alleen in Zijn Naam zult u een gelofte uitspreken”. En zoals het ook gezegd is: “Vrees G-d en onderhoud Zijn geboden, want dat is de opdracht voor ieder mens”.

French translation:

Acceptation verbale de l’unité et de la Royauté de D-ieu:

D-ieu Tout-Puissant, nous acceptons sur nous-mêmes ce qui est écrit dans Ta sainte Torah « Tu sauras en ce jour et tu imprimeras en ton cœur que l’Éternel seul est D-ieu, dans les cieux en haut et ici-bas sur la terre, qu’il n’en est point d’autres ». Nous affirmons les préceptes de « Tu aimeras l’Éternel, ton D-ieu, de tout ton cœur, de toute ton âme et de tout ton pouvoir »; et « C’est l’Éternel, ton D-ieu, que tu dois craindre; c’est Lui que tu dois servir, c’est par Son Nom [et en Son Nom seul] que tu dois jurer » et comme il est écrit : « Crains D-ieu et observe Ses commandements, car c’est là tout l’homme ».

Indonesian translation:

Dengan Ucapan menerima Kesatuan dan Kerajaan Tu’han:

Tu’han yang perkasa, kami menerima bagi diri kami sebagaimana dituliskan dalam TorahMu: “Haruslah kamu ketahui hari ini dan camkanlah dalam hatimu bahwa Tu’han (sendirian) adalah Tu’han, di langit diatas dan diatas bumi dibawah – tidak ada yang lain!” Kami tegaskan firman “Kasihilah Tu’han, Tu’hanmu, dengan segenap hatimu, dan segenap jiwamu dan segenap kekuatanmu;” dan “Takutlah akan Tu’han, Tu’hanmu, dan layanilah Dia, dan dalam NamaNya (sendiri) haruslah kamu bersumpah;” dan, seperti dikatakan, “Takutlah akan Tu’han dan lakukanlah perintah-perintahNya, karena itulah kewajiban seluruh manusia.”

Portuguese translation:

Aceitação Verbal da Unidade e Majestade de D’us:

D’us Todo-Poderoso, aceitamos o que está escrito em Tua Torá: “E saberás hoje, e considerarás no teu coração, que D’us (Sozinho) é D’us, em cima nos céus e embaixo na terra; não há nenhum outro.” Aceitamos os preceitos de: “Amarás D’us, teu D’us, com todo o teu coração, com toda a tua alma e com todas as tuas forças”; e “temerás D’us, Teu D’us, servirás Ele e jurarás (somente) pelo Seu Nome”; e “teme D’us e guarda Seus mandamentos, pois nisto consiste todo o dever do homem.”

Russian translation:

Озвучивание принятия Единства и Владычества Всевышнего:

Всемогущий Бог, мы принимаем на себя то, что написано в Твоей Торе: “Познай же сегодня и прими сердцем твоим, что [только] Бог есть Бог, на Небе вверху и на Земле внизу – нет другого!” Мы утверждаем предписания “Люби Бога, Бога твоего, всем сердцем своим, и всей душою своей, и всем существом своим;” и “Бога, Бога твоего, бойся, и ему служи, и [только] Его Именем клянись;” и говорится: “Бога бойся и заповеди Его соблюдай, ибо в этом вся суть человека”

Spanish translation:

Aceptación Verbal de la Unidad y Majestad de Dios:

Dios Omnipotente, aceptamos lo que está escrito en Tu Torá: “Sabrás éste día y tomarás en tu corazón que Dios (único) es Dios, por encima en los cielos y por debajo en la tierra – que no hay otro.” Aceptamos los preceptos de: “Amarás a Dios, tu Dios, con todo su corazón, toda tu alma, y todas tus fuerza;” y “Teme a Dios, tu Dios, y sirveLe, y diga un juramento (sólo) por Su Nombre;” y “Teme a Dios, y guarda Sus mandamientos, porque esto es toda la responsabilidad del hombre.”

Telegu translation:

Classical Chinese translation:

大声赞美神, 荣耀归于神的国:

全能上帝, 爾 經 所載, 我儕 受之, 其曰:
Almighty G-d, your scripture as written, we accept it, it stated:

“今 爾 當知、 返思 爾 心,
“Today you shall know, returning contemplating your heart,

惟 上帝 是神, 天上 地下, 別無其他。”
Only L-rd is G-d, above heaven below earth, there is no other.”

我儕 從 斯 誡命, 曰: “爾 當 盡心
We follow this commandment as stated: “You should all heart,

盡性 盡力, 愛 上帝 爾 神。”
all nature (i.e. all soul) all might, love L-rd your G-d.”

兼 “寅畏 上帝 爾 神、 事之、 奉 其名 而起誓”
And “Respectfully fear L-rd your G-d, serve with the Name thus to swear.”

又 如書曰: “寅畏 神、 守其誡命,
And as written in book: “Respectfully fear G-d, keep His commandments,

此乃 人之 全 責。”
this is human’s all responsibility.”