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The Divine Code, Parts I-VIII: eBook, or Soft or Hard Cover

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The Guide to Observing the Noahide Code, Revealed from Mount Sinai in the Torah of Moses

4th Edition, Parts I – VIII, © 20’23

Author: Rabbi Moshe Weiner, Jerusalem. Editor: Dr. Michael Schulman, Ph.D. Primary translator: Rabbi Yosef Schulman.
Publisher: Ask Noah International. Printed pages: 704

This is the author’s English edition of Sheva Mitzvot HaShem,” (in Hebrew)

Soft Cover, INCLUDING shipping to 50 States of U.S.A.: $25.00

Soft Cover, INCLUDING shipping to U.S. Territories and International*: $34.00
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Hard Cover, with shipping to U.S. and International: Order from Amazon, ISBN 9781733363532 (check availability!)

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Interest in the Seven Commandments for the Children of Noah is growing, and many Gentiles worldwide have committed to observe them. Before Ask Noah International (ANI) published The Divine Code, a comprehensive, clear, and expert guide in English for observance and in-depth study of these Noahide precepts was lacking.

When it was published in Hebrew as Sheva Mitzvot HaShem, it was enthusiastically endorsed by prominent Torah scholars. It is unique among other books on this subject, as an authoritative text that is footnoted with extensive Talmudic and post-Talmudic sources. The Divine Code is the authorized translation according to Rabbi Weiner’s review and editing. It includes copious additional explanations and enlightening Editor’s Notes.

The book examines and greatly clarifies the foundations and details of the Noahide precepts. Rabbi Weiner begins by identifying and applying the fundamental principles by which the practical requirements for righteous living are determined within Torah law for pious Gentiles. It contains eight sections, beginning with Fundamentals of the Faith, followed by sections that provide comprehensive explanations of each of the Seven Commandments and their many offshoots. It includes an Appendix on the Pious Gentile and Ger Toshav in Torah Law.

Several section introductions are written by the renown Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet, o.b.m., a leading Torah scholar and author of popular books on Torah-based spirituality and philosophy. Additional section introductions are contributed by Joe M. Regenstein, Ph.D., a leading expert on guidelines in the meat industry for animal welfare; Arthur A. Goldberg, J.D., author of Light in the Closet; Rabbi Shimon D. Cowen, Ph.D., Director of the Institute for Judaism and Civilization, and (the editor) Michael Schulman, Ph.D., Executive Director of ANI and

This book is recommended for late teen and adult Gentiles who desire to correctly understand and observe the Torah-based Noahide Code.

Contents (read the TOC on-line)

Part I. Fundamentals of the Faith (9 chapters)

Part II. The Prohibition of Idolatry (12 chapters)

Part III. The Prohibition of Blasphemy (4 chapters)

Part IV. The Prohibition of Eating Meat that was Separated from a Living Animal (9 chapters)

Part V. The Prohibition of Murder and Injury (9 chapters)

Part VI. The Prohibition of Forbidden Relations (7 chapters)

Part VII. The Prohibition of Theft (16 chapters)

Part VIII. Establishment of Laws and Courts (4 chapters)

Appendix: The Pious Gentile and the Ger Toshav in Torah Law

Features and content

  • An Appendix has been added on Torah laws that are particularly relevant for a Pious Gentile/Noahide (at present) or a Ger Toshav (in the future era) who lives among Jews.
  • Listings of the main precepts in each Part have been added from the book Tishim Ĥukim (Ninety Laws) by Rabbi Moshe Weiner (the total number listed is 36 obligations and 55 prohibitions, each of which has its own details and offshoots).
  • A number of points have been clarified in all of Parts I-VII, especially in Part I, Ch. 5 (on Torah Study for Gentiles) and Part II, Chs. 1 (The Prohibition of Idol Worship) and 3 (Which Actions Make One Liable for Idol Worship)
  • Several of the Editor’s Notes have been added or enhanced.

Sample Reader’s Reviews

#1: I just want to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the hard work and energy you have all put into this project. The first of its kind! It is a truly incredible work. Noahides owe you all a great debt of gratitude for what you have done. I have been on my own spiritual journey now for almost ten years and have many times considered conversion to Judaism as I cannot accept non-Torah theology and practice. Now because of your hard work and sacrifice, I feel that I can finally give my family a tradition of belief I can truly believe in. Thank you.

#2: Today I am finally holding in my hands a copy of your book “The Divine Code” as well as the little Prayer Booklet for Noahides. I just wanted to say “thank you” for such an informative, thought provoking and soul searching book. Now I can really and further implement its practical emphasis and ideals in my life. I am sure that I echo the same sentiments and attitude as most of my Noahide brothers and sisters all over the world. Shalom and may the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob richly reward you in your endeavors to make His Will known to the Worldwide International Community.

Approbation from Israel’s Former Chief Sephardic Rabbi, Rabbi Amar

(free translation; to view the letter from Rabbi Shlomo Moshe Amar in Hebrew with English translation, click here).

With the Help of Heaven, Tammuz 6, 5768 / July 9, 2008

I saw the good book, well-written and aptly titled Sheva Mitzvot HaShem, compiled and authored by the Rabbi and great scholar, Rabbi Moshe Weiner, may he live for many long and good days. I have also seen the immense work that was required to explain all the matters of the Seven Commandments for the Children of Noah, and this was done very well, written in simple, clear language, so that the reader can easily comprehend it.

I bless him that G-d should send him success in all his endeavors, to continue in his holy work, and to author and publish more works in excellent physical health. And may it be G-d’s will that he see blessing in the work of his hands, that he has prepared for the sake of G-d, blessed be He.

Waiting for G-d’s salvation and mercy,
Shlomo Moshe Amar
Chief Rabbi of Israel

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