
Understanding Torah

Explanations of the Flood in the Days of Noah

In this lecture, Rabbi Alon Anava gives explanations about why G-d chose to destroy the people and all the land creatures with water in the days of Noah, and not in a different way. He also explains why G-d decreed exactly 40 days of rain, why G-d brought this punishment, and much more.
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Rabbi Schochet on Religion, Revelation, Basic Principles & Messiah

Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet o.b.m. presents his introduction to the original, unique and eternal concept and definition of Messiah that G-d revealed in the Torah.
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Why a Noahide accepted Orthodox Judaism’s Oral Tradition

A 6-part video series by a Noahide, about the reasons why he accepted the Oral Torah after holding to the so called “sola scriptura” approach for many years.
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