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Rabbi Weiner & The Divine Code: Its Forbidden to Add Mitzvot

Rabbi Moshe Weiner of Jerusalem explains that his book The Divine Code is an authoritative compilation. With the participation and consensus of other expert Torah scholars, he presents the actual Torah laws for Gentiles (Non-Jews). Notably, wherever “Gentile” is written there without any exceptions stated, it is stating the Torah law for all Gentiles.

He also explains the prohibition of Gentiles creating new commandments for themselves. This includes observing the Sabbath or Biblical Festivals as they are commanded for the Jews. It also includes ritual commandments such as wearing tefillin or tzitzit fringes, and affixing a mezuzah scroll to one’s doorpost.

In addition, he explains the meaning of a Chasid Umot Ha’Olam (Pious Gentile) and a Ger Toshav.

For information about his acclaimed book The Divine Code, 4th Edition: Click Here

For Questions and Answers about many things that Gentiles may do in recognition of the Jewish Sabbath and Holy Days: Click Here

Main sections in “The Divine Code,” 4th Edition:

Part I. Fundamentals of the Faith (9 chapters)

Part II. The Prohibition of Idolatry (12 chapters)

Part III. The Prohibition of Blasphemy (4 chapters)

Part IV. The Prohibition of Eating Meat that was Separated from a Living Animal (9 chapters)

Part V. The Prohibition of Murder and Injury (9 chapters)

Part VI. The Prohibition of Forbidden Relations (7 chapters)

Part VII. The Prohibition of Theft (16 chapters)

Part VIII. Establishment of Laws and Courts (4 chapters)

Appendix: The Pious Gentile and the Ger Toshav in Torah Law