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Interview with Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet o.b.m.

Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet, o.b.m., was the first Overseeing Rabbi for Ask Noah International. In this video interview from September, 20’09, he provided his explanation of the Noahide Code, true morality, and the basis of the world-wide Noahide outreach programs by Ask Noah International.

Short version (15 minutes):

Full version (32.5 minutes):

These videos are copyright © 20’09-20’20 by Ask Noah International.

Articles by Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet, published by Ask Noah International:

Introduction to The Fundamentals of Faith, in “The Divine Code.”

Introductions to “The Prohibition of Idolatry” and “The Prohibition of Blasphemy,” also in “The Divine Code.”

Recommended book by Rabbi Schochet: Mashiach: The Principle of Mashiach and the Messianic Era