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Video Course on “The Gate of Unity”: Lessons 1-4 (to date)

Rabbi Mendel Markel presents this ongoing class on the book Sha’ar HaYichud (The Gate of Unity), by the Mitteler* Rebbe. This books gives the step-by-step process for achieving an in-depth understanding of G-d’s absolute unity.

*The “Mitteler” Rebbe was Rabbi DovBer, the second Chabad Rebbe. This book should not be confused with the much shorter work Sha’ar HaYichud Ve’Haemunah (The Gate of Unity and Faith). Written by the Alter Rebbe, Sha’ar HaYichud Ve’Haemunah is Part 2 of the Tanya.

To download a free study-guide PDF book that explains the first 15 chapters of Sha’ar HaYichud (“purchase” for $0.00), click here.

1st Lesson: Introduction and Explanation of Chachmah (Wisdom) and Binah (Understanding).

2nd Lesson: Explanation of Da’as (Knowledge) and Chush (an essence-power of the soul).

3rd Lesson: Depth of an Explanation.

4th Lesson: Depth of Chachmah.

5th Lesson: Coming soon!