Chaim Reisner – Founder of
Howard (Chaim Menachem Mendel) Reisner, a master of woodworking and antique chair restoration, combined his profession with his life’s mission to teach Gentiles about their G’d-given spiritual heritage of the Seven Laws of Noah. He founded Ask Noah and its first web site in the mid 19’90s, and he served as the Co-Director.
For the video presentation by Ask Noah’s Executive Director, of the history of the organization and the involvement of Chaim Reisener, CLICK HERE.
This talk was recorded as a segment for the virtual community gathering on 12 Nissan (March 24, 20’21). The 12th of Nissan is the date of Chaim’s yahrzeit (anniversary of passing).
The virtual gathering was presented by Rabbi Yossi Schulman, CEO and President of the organization Unite The World and
The following is the feature news video from WPXI-TV, Pittsburgh, PA, after the passing of R’ Chaim Reisner: