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* Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge: For Righteous Gentiles

Book: Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge
Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge: Spiritual Knowledge and Faith for the Noahide Movement and All Righteous Gentiles

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Printed Formats: paperback or hardback, 6 x 9 inches, 192 pages
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INCLUDING standard shipping to States in the U.S.A.: $16.35

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INCLUDING standard shipping to U.S. Territories and International*: $27.00

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About this book:

This is the long-awaited guide to attaining spiritual growth and inner peace as a Righteous Gentile. In clear and concise terms, it provides the objective moral foundation for anyone seeking a closer personal relationship with our Creator. The authors adapted teachings from classic texts (the Hebrew Bible, Talmud, Midrash, Mishneh Torah, and Chassidic insights) for enlightening people about the direct path to advancing in spiritual standing.

Rather than being part of a specific religion, this is the faith-based knowledge that is meant for everyone. It presents the principles and character traits, attitudes, actions, and goals in life reveal how a person is created in the image of God. It is a highly valuable resource on its own, or as a study companion for those who accept and follow the Seven Noahide Commandments for all Gentiles.

This work was inspired by the book Sefer HaMadah (The Book of Knowledge) by Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides, or Rambam), which explains the Torah’s path to true and proper faith-based knowledge. What has been lacking until now is a parallel book for Gentiles, because much of Rambam’s work applies only for Jews. The essential points of our present bookhave been taken from universal parts of Sefer Ha’Madah. We added background information and explanations specifically for those who want to be righteous, pious Gentiles (Noahides, in modern terms).

In this book, we have included many of the proper and righteous outlooks, character traits, and goals for life that will provide much-needed guidance for Gentiles who are searching spiritually for an authentic personal connection with the One True G-d. In summary, this book presents the proper views and behaviors for Righteous Gentiles of any nationality or culture, and it will serve as a milestone for the modern Noahide movement.

5-Star Reviews on Amazon

“5.0 out of 5 stars”

June 9, 2017
Verified Purchase
The Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge is a precious and rare book, a compendium of Jewish spirituality for all the humankind, with insights and relevant issue. A spiritual path that everyone should take to explore the connection between himself and Heaven. Amazing reading!.

“Torah’s path to true and proper faith-based knowledge”

5.0 out of 5 stars
February 1, 2018
Verified Purchase
Love this book! Easy to read but packed full with deep thoughts. After finishing it I felt like starting all over again. If you want to know Torah’s path to true and proper faith-based knowledge, this is the book for you!

“5.0 out of 5 stars”

November 27, 2019
Verified Purchase
I would like to take this time in thanking you for your book with which I have just finished reading: Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge. Every page inspired by HaShem, blessed be He. It was the most easy readable book flowing with all the knowledge of one Holy One. A simple layout, concise, practical and a key to reading of The Divine Code. I can see that both books work with each other.

“Five Stars”

5.0 out of 5 stars
March 11, 2018
Verified Purchase
Great help in my journey as a fulfilled human being.

“Five Stars”

5.0 out of 5 stars
September 1, 2017
Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Excelente libro! Muy recomendable para todos los bnei Noaj.

“A groundbreaking book!”

5.0 out of 5 stars
April 2, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition
Finally, a book of Jewish philosophy and ethics specially made for Non-Jews! It will surely help the growing group of Noahides worldwide to develop the right motivation for the right actions in order to lead a fulfilling and happy life in accordance with the Will of our blessed Creator, as revealed in the authentic Teachings of the Jewish Sages.

“Important instruction.”

5.0 out of 5 stars
December 6, 2018
This is an excellent book. Very informative. A must read for all Noahides.

TABLE OF CONTENTS (printed and Kindle editions)

INTRODUCTION: The Image of G-d Within Every Person

Perfection and Elevation of Mankind (Tikkun Ha’Adam);
Perfection and Elevation of the World (Tikkun Ha’Olam)

THE FIRST GATE: The Gate of Knowledge of G-d

1. Recognition of G-d’s Existence and His Essential Unity
Drawing Closer to G-d on a Personal Level; Explanations from
Torah of G-d’s Existence; G-d’s Total Incorporeality and Unity
2. The Unity of G-d and His Powers; The Mistaken
Belief in Independent Deities
3. Divine Providence and Trust in G-d
4. Bringing Recognition of G-d into One’s Heart and Actions

THE SECOND GATE: The Gate of Prophecy from G-d

1. Centrality of Prophecy in the Foundations of Faith;
The Concept of Free Choice
2. Various Levels of Prophecy
3. The Prophecy and Torah of Moses
4. The Eternity of the Torah of Moses

THE THIRD GATE: The Gate of Serving G-d

1. The Essence of the Service of G-d
2. Contemplation of the Seven Noahide Commandments
and Lessons from the Hebrew Bible
3. The Value of Action, Intention and Happiness in
Serving G-d

THE FOURTH GATE: The Gate of Prayer to G-d

1. The Service of Prayer
2. Prayer with Speech and Intention

THE FIFTH GATE: The Gate of Personal Traits Desired by G-d

1. The Definitions of Behaving as a “Wise Person”
or a “Pious Person”
2. Healing the Soul from Unhealthy Traits
3. Guarding Oneself from Sin; Going Beyond
the Measure of the Law
4. The Trait of Modesty
5. Influence of One’s Environment; Rebuking Another Person
6. Loving Other People and Respecting Other People
7. The Care that a Wise and Righteous Person Must
Take in Speaking
8. Respecting People who Suffer Misfortunes; Honoring
Parents; Honoring One’s Spouse; Educating Children
9. Charity and Acts of Kindness

THE SIXTH GATE: The Gate of Being Tested by G-d

1. Why G-d Tests People
2. A Trouble or Tribulation that Comes Upon Society or
an Individual
3. Relating to Suffering that Others Cause to Oneself
and to the Suffering that Others Experience
4. The Test of Depression

THE SEVENTH GATE: The Gate of Repentance to G-d and the Principle of Reward and Punishment from G-d

1. Contemplating Repentance to G-d
2. Achieving a Complete Repentance
3. How G-d Judges for Rewards and Punishments
4. The Future World to Come and Who Will Merit that Reward
5. Free Will
6. The Obstruction of Free Choice as a Punishment from G-d
7. The Heavenly Reward for a Departed Soul; A Person’s
Reward in the Future World to Come
8. The Messianic Era and the Resurrection of the Dead

APPENDIX: Some Recommended Prayers for Noahides


Feedback from a Noahide on the U.S. East Coast:  I have just read your book, “Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge.” What a wonderful book! It has moved me deeply. Your new book will be a great help to us all.