Feedback Questionnaire from Ask Noah
Dear Friends of Ask Noah,
We are reaching out to express our heartfelt thanks for your interest in our work over the past years in promoting and teaching the Torah’s Noahide Code.
We are now in the process of beginning a campaign to take Ask Noah to a greater level of activity for bringing more awareness and knowledge of the Seven Noahide Commandments to people around the world.
Currently we are seeking your feedback about important aspects and outcomes of the interactions you’ve had with us – whether for answering questions, offering personal advice, filling orders for books or materials, or gratefully receiving donations. It will be a blessing if you can take a few minutes to please send us an email or a message through our web-site’s Contact Us page, with your open and honest appraisal of Ask Noah in the following areas (all communications will be kept confidential):
- What brought you to connect with Ask Noah?
- Has this organization benefited your life, and if so, how? Or if not, why is that?
- In your opinion, what can Ask Noah do to accomplish more towards the goals of increased morality, kindness and fellowship in the world, in connection with the Seven Universal Commandments?
- In what ways would you be able to help and support Ask Noah in accomplishing these goals?
- If you have become observant of the Noahide Commandments, what led you to connect with that path? Did Ask Noah have a part in that in any way?
- Please send us any other comments that you would like to share.
We look forward to hearing from you as we embark on this new campaign! Through our collective positive efforts, may we soon see the time when all people will live in peace and harmony, with the revealed Divine Presence.