A Noahide can include any of the Psalms as prayers, and many parts of the traditional Jewish prayer services include Psalms. But other parts of the Jewish prayer services consist of prayers that apply exclusively to Jews, and they would even be untrue statements to G-d if said by a Non-Jew (for example, “Truly, You [G-d] redeemed us from Egypt”). There are also parts in the Jewish liturgy that are selections from Oral Torah sources (Mishnah, Talmud, Zohar, etc.), do not apply for Gentiles.
It’s also important to keep in mind that the prayers in the order of the traditional Jewish services were composed or selected by the greatest Jewish Sages during or after the Second Temple era. Those Sages were all great Kabbalists who had deep prophetic insight into the hidden spiritual meanings and spiritual effects of the Jews’ prays, and they did not have in mind that they were composing those prayers for Noahides. Specifically, the essence of the main parts of the daily Jewish prayer liturgy is that they substitute for a Jew’s obligation to be represented in the bringing of the daily Temple sacrifices, which have temporarily been suspended until the coming of the true Messiah (who will be descended patrilinealy from King David and his son King Solomon).
Therefore, to assist Noahides in their daily prayers and their prayers for specific needs, in a number of languages, Ask Noah International has published booklets of recommended prayers that have been certified to be appropriate for Noahides by our expert overseeing Rabbis. The newest edition in English is:
“Prayers, Blessings, Principles of Faith, and Divine Service for Noahides,” 7th Edition, by Rabbi Moshe Weiner and Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet.
Note: Expert Rabbis agree that making a Jewish blessing upon doing a Jewish commandment (Scriptural or Rabbinical) is not appropriate for a Noahide, since a Non-Jew can’t truthfully say, “Blessed are You … Who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to …” That formula is said by Jews only for certain specific positive commandments that they received from G-d in the Torah, or as decrees made by the Sages whose instructions the Jewish people are commanded by G-d to observe.