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The Reasons Why a Sanhedrin Was Not Renewed

Rabbi Yosef Eisen presents a short lecture on the misguided and failed attempt in 1538 C.E. to renew the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin was the Jewish High Court of 70 great Torah Sages. Originally, Moses instituted the Sanhedrin after he received the second Tablets at Mount Sinai (Numbers 11:16-17).

The Sanhedrin relocated several times to different locations in the Land of Israel after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 C.E. Eventually, it was dissolved around the year 363 C.E. due to severe persecution of the Jews by the Roman Empire. The Moshiach (the true Messiah) will renew the Sanhedrin when he comes, speedily in our days.

Rabbi Eisen is reading from his book Miraculous Journey, which is free to read on-line.

The Sanhedrin meeting in the Temple. From Atlas de la Bible by Fillion, 1883, Paris