One-Minute Lessons About the Festival of Hanukkah
These are one-minute audio lessons about the eight-day festival of Hanukkah, from Rabbi Nachman Simon. Rabbi Simon generously granted permission for Ask Noah to share his audio lessons.
NEW! 1. Meanings of the name “Hanukkah”
2. We place the candles into the Hanukkah menorah from right to left. But then, we light them from left to right. Why do we light the candles of the menorah starting from the left-most candle? Rabbi Simon explains one of the reasons.
3. The Hanukkah menorah is placed in a location where the light of the candles will shine to the outside. Why is this?
4. What is the reason for public menorah-lighting events? The theme of Hanukkah is to publicize G-d’s open miracles to the whole world.
5. An extra candle each night: ascend in your service to G-d!