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1-minute Lessons on Book of Leviticus by Rabbi Nachman Simon

One-minute audio lessons on special points from weekly Torah readings in the Book of Leviticus. Shared with permission from Rabbi Nachman Simon.



(1) Leviticus 1:1. Why is there a small letter aleph in the first word, “Vayikra”?

When G-d [often referred to in Hebrew as HaShem = “the Name”] told Moses to begin writing the Book of Leviticus with the words, “He called to Moses…” (…וַיִּקְרָ֖א אֶל-משֶׁ֑ה / Vayikra el-Moshe), Moshe objected that it should call such attention to him at the very outset, because he was the most humble person who ever lived. G-d was able to calm his complaint by instructing him to write the first first aleph / א as a smaller letter, to indicate that Moses was small in his own eyes: (…וַיִּקְרָ֖א אֶל-משֶׁ֑ה). That is how it appears in the hand-written Torah scroll.


(2) Leviticus 1:1. “G-d called to Moses” (based on the classic explanation by Rashi)


(3) Levitcus 1:2. Why does the Hebrew text say, “When a person who brings, of you, a sacrifice to G-d…”?


New! (4) Leviticus 1:5. Dedicate your enthusiasm in life to G-d.




Leviticus ch. 6. Connecting to G-d through a commandment/mitzvah (.wav audio file)




(1)  Leviticus ch. 9. The 8th Day of Dedicating the Tabernacle (the Mishkan) – a foretaste of the future Era of the Messiah/Moshiach


(2) Leviticus ch. 10. Entering the Holy of Holies?!




Leviticus ch. 13.

(1) Why don’t we have the miraculous skin ailment of tzara’as nowadays? After all, it came as a result of evil speech (lashon harah).


(2) The consequence of evil speech (lashon harah)


(3) Only a Kohen (a Jewish priest descended from Aaron) can declare a Jew’s tzara’as ailment to be spiritually impure. Why?




Leviticus ch. 16.

What clothing did the High Priest (Kohen Gadol) wear to enter the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur?




(1) Leviticus 19:3. Honor and revere (“fear”) both of your parents, and obey your commandments from G-d.


(2) Leviticus ch. 20. Torah deals with the highest and the lowest levels.


(3) Leviticus 23:22. Giving proper charity (tzedakah) is like bringing a sacrificial offering to G-d.




Leviticus 21:1-1. Say It and Say It Again (based on the classic explanation by Rashi)


New! Behar:

Leviticus 25. The Details of the Commandments were Given on Mount Sinai (see the explanation by Rashi for Lev. 25:1)