1-minute Lessons on Book of Genesis by Rabbi Nachman Simon
One-minute audio lessons on special points from weekly Torah readings in the Book Genesis. Shared with permission from Rabbi Nachman Simon.
Genesis ch. 3. The Purpose of the “Sin” of Adam and Hava (Eve)
Genesis ch. 5. Why the early generations had such long lives.
Genesis 6:9. What is the True Legacy of a Person?
Genesis 6:15. The Dimensions of the Ark. (For more information, see our video course on Secrets of Noah’s Ark.)
Genesis ch. 7: (a) Keep Your Head Above Water!
(b) Continued:
NEW! Genesis 8:12-17. Why a rainbow first appeared after the global flood.
Genesis 9:1-17. The Covenant of Seven Commandments for All Mankind.
Lech Lecha
Genesis ch. 12.
(1) It’s All for Your Own Good.
(2) Find Your True Self!
(3) Go Out of Yourself!
18:1-8. Be Kind!
18:9-15. Why Did Sarah Laugh?
Ch. 19. Why Was Lot’s Wife Turned to a Pillar of Salt?
21:1-7. The Miraculous Birth of Isaac
21:33. Abraham’s Reason for His Open Tent
Ch. 21. Get a Good Friend
Chayei Sarah
Ch. 23. Say Little, But Do a Lot!
NEW! 24:1. “Abraham was old, he came in days” – Every day is important!
Ch. 24. Be a Good Messenger
Ch. 24. Appreciate the Miracles.
Genesis 25:19-23. Shem the son of Noah – a prophet and a righteous person (tzadik)
Genesis 25:27-34.
NEW! (1) The Spiritual Potential of Esav (Esau)
NEW! (2) The Intended Tasks of Jacob and Esav
Genesis 26:18-25
(1) Isaac was Busy Digging Wells
(2) The service of Isaac was not the same as that of his father Abraham
Ch. 27. Mothers Know Best!
27:1-4. G-d Desires Two Types of Service
28:10-11. Keep Your Head On Straight!
28:10-12. Our Prayers Reach the Highest Heavens!
NEW! 29:1. “Then Jacob ‘lifted up his feet’ and came to the land…” – with joy for the blessings he received.
32:4-6. When to Act Like a Sheep or an Ox
32:4-12. How to Prepare for Conflict and Try to Avoid It
32:10-11. More Blessings Should Make You More Humble
33:8-11. Wants and Desires vs. Needs and Blessings
36:31-39. The Spiritual Meaning of the Kings of Edom
Ch. 37. Do Dreams Have Meaning?
Ch. 38. Don’t Embarrass Anyone!
39:2-3. Always Credit G-d with Your Success
Ch. 41.
(1) Ascend and Don’t Descend in Your Personal Level!
(2) We are Like Dreamers
(3) Why didn’t Joseph’s brothers recognize him?
Ch. 45.
(1) Cry for Someone!
(2) Don’t Take Revenge
Ch. 47. Only 5 of Joseph’s Brothers Stood Before Pharaoh
47:28. This is the only “closed” weekly portion in the Torah. Why?
47:28-48:22. What is the Definition of Living?
48:7 (and Rashi there). Rachel’s Self-sacrifice.
Ch. 49. Believing that Moshiach Will Come Today
50:15-21. It’s All From G-d
50:24-26. The Promise of the Redemption!