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Молитвы, Благословения, Принципы Веры для Ноахидов

Prayer Booklet for Noahides in Russian

Ebook: Молитвы, Благословения, Принципы Веры и Служение Всевышнему для Ноахидов

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Часть I: Принципы Веры и Служение Всевышнему

Осознание Всевышнего и Путь Ноахида

Служение Всевышнему умом и сердцем

Сила личного раскаяния

Часть II: Молитвы и Благословения

Дневная Молитва

Псалмы на Семь Дней Недели

Вечерняя Молитва

Благословения перед едой и питьём

Правила произнесения благословений перед едой и питьём

Другие благословения

Благословение после трапезы

7 Стихов Писания для детей

Часть III: Молитвы об определённых нуждах

Молитва о средствах к сущестованию

Дорожная молитва

Молитва за больного

Молитва за новорожденного нееврея

Молитва за душу умершего


This convenient, pocket-size prayer booklet (RUSSIAN EDITION) provides a comprehensive, clear, and expertly researched guide for prayers and blessings that have been authorized and recommended for Noahides by expert Rabbis. The selected prayers and blessings are not meant to serve as an official Noahide liturgy, but rather they are compiled from the general format of the traditional Jewish prayer book (Siddur), drawing mostly from chapters of Psalms.

Expanding on the recommendations by the authors that are published in the chapter on Prayer in The Divine Code, 4th Edition, by Rabbi Moshe Weiner, this booklet assists pious Gentiles (Non-Jews) with integrating their requests, praises, blessings, and heartfelt prayers and repentance to God into their daily lives. The booklet presents essential instructions on the guidelines for proper prayer, and how to make blessings before and after eating, including a Grace after Meals for Noahides.

It includes additional prayers for livelihood, for safe traveling, for healing, and for remembrance of departed loved ones. It also includes a summary of main principles of the Noahide faith, which will enhance understanding and provide a simple outline for explaining these concepts to others.

Publisher: Ask Noah International

For English Edition, printed or ebook: CLICK HERE