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Affiliated Noahide Groups in Asia

This large Noahide community group in Asia has affiliated with Ask Noah International for educational resources and Rabbinical guidance.

The Philippines

Qehilat Chasidei Umot Ha-Olam (QCUHO) – “Congregation of the Pious of the Nations of the World”

Qehilat Chasidei Umot Ha-Olam has a population of over 1400 adult members. There are about 20 Noahide synagogues in various locations in the Philippines. All of them embrace the Oneness and Unity of the One True G-d. They follow the 7 Noahide Commandments and accept the truth of the Torah of Moses.

Annual local and general Assembly Meetings are held, during which time there is study of the faith and practical details of the Noahide Code. QCUHO uses the United Noahide Academies® courses provided from Ask Noah International, along with relevant lessons from portions of the Hebrew Bible.

The QCUHO group is registered with the Philippine government. Therefore, their officials are authorized to officiate at weddings, issue certificates of membership, conduct youth seminars, and provide livelihood programs for women and youth.

QCUHO chapters meet regularly on Saturdays for community services at their local synagogues. They use a service of prayers and readings for Noahides that was developed jointly with Ask Noah International.

Photos from the Qehilat Chasidie Umot Ha-Olam communities:


Leader of the QCUHO Noahides receives copies of the new fourth edition of “The Divine Code” from Ask Noah International (October 20’20).


At the QCUHO General Assembly meeting, April 20’19.


QCUHO Genl Assembly Prayers 20-19
QCUHO Members holding community prayer services during their General Assembly meeting in 20’19.


Rosh Hashanah gathering at the QCUHO Noahide synagogue in Mandaue City, the Philippines, 20’13.


Noahide wedding in Philippines
Wedding of a QCUHO Noahide couple in the Philippines, 20’12


QCUHO members receiving “The Divine Code”, October 20’12


QCUHO members receiving “The Divine Code”, October 20’12


A Noahide synagogue in the Philippines
One of the QCUHO (formerly QCHU) Noahide synagogues in the Philippines (20’09).


Convention of the QCUHO Noahides in the Philippines, December 20’23.


Dr. Michael Schulman, Executive Director of Ask Noah International, answers questions and delivers a message by Internet hook-up to the QCUHO 1st Grand General Noahides Assembly, Cebu, Philippines, in 20’15: