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Poem: For Your Graciousness

For Your Graciousness

by Primrose Lane bas Noach

To You my only King –
Your kindness is so vast
that my heart hast to sing!
The joyous strings of my soul
are filled with happiness.
Help me to reach my goal,
to be what You created me for,
with all the wonders for me
that You have kept in store.

I wake each day with happiness,
glad for the chance to bring You pleasure!
With a tambourine for Your Graciousness,
with ribbons flowing and my heart a song,
my words arise to draw Your favor.
In my joyful dance I can do no wrong,
for straight from my heart it does come.
With a spring and a leap I tap the leather,
with glorious jingles and beats like a drum.
Then I bow to my King in reverence,
for I felt His smile like warmth of the sun,
and all will be well, I have His assurance.