Note from a Noahide of Native American Descent
This essay was submitted to by a Noahide woman of Native American descent.
Blessings to you!
I am grieved at how the indigenous people of the American continent have been treated. It is truly a travesty. Many Americans have a ‘compromised’ lineage of Indian ancestry. Some of these individuals have a true yearning to connect with that heritage. However, the course of history has inserted what seems to be a nearly unbridgeable gap of cultures.
Also appalling is the missionary proselytizing that Native Americans were, and continue to be, subjected to. Nevertheless, it would be wrong and unfair to compare that to the opportunities that are now opening up to inform Native Americans about the Seven Noahide Laws.
My understanding of the basic religious premise and practice of Native Americans is that they are very closely related to the foundational tenets of the Noahide Laws. The only difference I see that might come about, is if the unity of “the Great Spirit” were truly realized, the current belief in animism would be altered to understand that the different forces in the spiritual realm are actually limited manifestations of G-d, blessed be His Name.
In respect to their culture, I don’t see that a Native American would have to change in order to accept observance of the Seven Laws. It would seem that realizing that there are actual commandments from the Creator that are not merely human tradition or the origination of a shaman, but are truly Divine, would or could deepen the strength of their faith in G-d, and their respect for the earth, for their ancestors, and their beautiful philosophy of co-operative existence.
An ancient heritage revived
As Noahides, we are in one sense a rather new entity. Historically, though, we’ve been around as long as the Jewish People (officially), and as long has there have been people. Adam and Eve were given six of these commandments in the Garden of Eden. Still, we are “new” on modern society’s radar screen. We are learning the Noahide Code in a more centralized way. This is something that we were lacking ever since the destruction of the Second Temple. Baruch HaShem – thank G-d! We are just getting a feel for who we are. We’re gaining equilibrium and pushing our roots into Torah and Chassidic insights.
Add to that what the Rebbes of Chabad (may their memories be a blessing) have said. They taught that we must work at our divine service in the place where we are, for we can make that our personal “Jerusalem.” Therefore, I feel our primary arena will be our families and cities, where we work, shop and go bowling, etc. I am not saying that Noahide outreach is not in our ken. But, in my estimation, it is OK to be limited, at least for those of us that are trying to navigate and become strong in this new “field.”
I am excited about group learning and discussions of the book The Divine Code by Rabbi Moshe Weiner. This is well supplemented by the Q&A Forum on These are great foundations for encouragement, learning, getting to know each other, and sharing our concerns and walk in this Torah adventure. I know that as we learn and grow, the opportunities will open to us one after another. We’ll “test the waters” and seize the ones that prove G-d’s influence is there. I’m excited about where we are headed.
Thank you, Ask Noah!
I am also extremely thankful for and the role that Ask Noah International is playing in bringing the message of obedience to G-d, and the Rebbe’s directive that the nations need to be taught the Noahide Laws, with all their details. With the on-line courses and the web site and the forum, we have some awesome tools and a central place to point interested people. It’s informative, friendly, learned and excellent. We are in “basic” training; we have much to do and will have much more to do. I hear the footsteps of Moshiach, the true Messiah.
Sh’lom y’all!