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Russian Books on Faith & Prayer for Noahides, & Hebrew Bible

From Ask Noah International: Translation of The Divine Code, by Rabbi Moshe Weiner / Божественный кодекс:
Руководство по соблюдению заповедей Ноаха, дарованных на горе Синай посредством Торы Моше.


From Ask Noah International: Translation of Seven Gates of Righteousness
СЕМЬ ВРАТ ПРАВЕДНОСТИ: Книга Знаний для Народов Мира


Prayer Booklet for Noahides in Russian
From Ask Noah International: Translation of Prayers. Blessings, and Principles of Faith for Noahides
NEW! Printed booklet (4×6 inches, pocket-size, 86 pages), or Ebook. Click here:
Молитвы, Благословения, Принципы Веры и Служение Всевышнему для Ноахидов


Toward a Meaningful Life – K zhizni, polnoi smysla. Uchenie Rebe Menakhema-Mendla Shneersona


Disputation of Nachmanides – Russian edition


Five Books of Moses (Chumash) in Russian with Haftarot


Book of Psalms (Tehillim) in Russian


Book of Proverbs (2 volumes) with explanations by Rashi and Radak


Entire Tanach / Hebrew Bible in Hebrew and Russian


Mind over Matter (in Russian): compiled from the Rebbe’s talks, discourses and letters on science, technology and medicine. It covers such diverse topics as proof of the Creator, origin of the species, aviation, fate vs. freedom, geometry, medicine and more.