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* In G-d We Trust: A Handbook of Values for Americans

In G-d We TrustBy Rabbi E. Touger. These essays are from talks by the Rebbe about the American tradition of ethics and principles from the Noahide Code. These principles lie at the heart of American culture. The Rebbe explained that America’s Founding Fathers were G-d-fearing. They aimed to integrate the principles they gleaned from Torah into the core of the unique society they built.

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Review by Brandyn (Bas Noah) and Dr. Michael Schulman, Director of Ask Noah International

We need to take a hard look at ourselves as a country and where we’re headed. The book In G-d We Trust asks you to do this. The country’s Founding Fathers envisioned a nation that would give citizens the opportunity to attain full expression of their potential. For that purpose, they built their society on the truths of the Torah. Specifically, this is based on the Seven Commandments given to the descendants of Noah.

This book discusses the balancing of trust and belief, freedom and tolerance, unity and differences. It examines the maintenance of democracy and societal morality for citizens who have their own self-interests and self-concerns. The attention given to children and their ethical education, and to parenting and spirituality, are key to the long-term survival of a free nation. These are all important for reducing adult and adolescent crime.

On the international front, America as a world leader has a responsibility to provide firm moral leadership in its foreign relations with other countries. The U.S. provides an example to all for how the positive efforts of individuals can bring about significant positive changes. These ideals, when implemented according to Torah principles, are important aspects in which society can and should attain lasting progress, and thereby foster the coming of the true Messiah.

The author composed the essays in this book based on talks by the Rebbe. In those talks, the Rebbe associated the historical U.S. tradition of ethical values with principles of the Noahide Code. These principles lie at the heart of American culture. The author also included many excerpts from stories and other examples. He used these to clearly illustrate the subjects he examined, which contributes to making this such a good book.