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* I Await His Coming Every Day

I Await His Coming Every DayTranslated by Rabbi E. Touger.

What does it mean to “wait every day” for Mashiach (the true Messiah)? And what will his coming accomplish in practical terms? This book starts with the primary source – the last two chapters of Mishneh Torah by Maimonides (Rambam). These cover the subjects of the Moshiach and the Messianic Era in Torah Law. They also immediately follow after two chapters on the Noahide Code.

This book then presents translations of discourses of the Lubavitcher Rebbe that illuminate the Rambam’s teachings about Moshiach. These discourses deal with the function of Mashiach, and the nature of the Biblical sources that foretell the Final Redemption. They also review prophecies concerning Mashiach, and explain “the ultimate good of the era of Redemption.”

Published by Kehot (’91, 86 pages).

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