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* The Chassidic Approach to Joy

chassidic-approach-to-joyBy Rabbi S. Majeski. Genuine joy can be achieved through a spiritual awareness of life’s purpose and a clear sense of direction. This book will help you to explore deeper perspectives on life as well as the universe at large, to set yourself on the true path to pure, inner happiness.

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Reviewed by Brandyn (Bas Noah):

The Chassidic Approach to Joy emphasizes that everything that happens is for the good, because it comes by Divine Providence. It also provides a practical step-by-step approach to overcoming anger, hatred, jealousy and depression. It does this by exploring deeply into how and on what one should focus to attain true inner joy. The book explains that the experience of joy is something one can and should control and create. The Chassidic Approach to Joy is easy to read, and the many wonderful stories and examples are sure to entertain as well as enlighten the reader. This book can greatly increase the joy one experiences.