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Torah precepts of proper speech
For a detailed answer, see "The Divine Code", Part V, chapter 8 ("The Prohibitions of Embarrassing Another Person, Evil Gossip, and Tale-bearing"). Topics 1-3 in that chapter state:

1. Just as it is forbidden to harm someone (as part of the prohibition against murder...), it is also forbidden to cause another person suffering through one’s speech. This is morally and logically binding, as Hillel said as a summary of the entire Torah, “What is hateful to you, do not do to your friend.” It is forbidden to humiliate or embarrass another person, even if only with words, or to call another person by a name that is embarrassing to him...

2. It is forbidden to go around gossiping about people, and this is described as tale-bearing – collecting information and then going [around telling it] from one person to another...

3. ... evil gossip (lashon harah in Hebrew) is telling a derogatory thing about another person, even though it may be true. What is considered evil gossip? Any informative or derogatory statement that would cause harm to another person’s body or possessions, or that would cause him anguish or distress if he heard those words, or if he knew they were heard by others...

Therefore, a pious Noahide should observe the details of the Torah Laws regarding lashon hara.

Messages In This Thread
Torah precepts of proper speech - by CSaavedra - 02-03-2009, 09:02 AM
RE: Torah precepts of proper speech - by Director Michael - 09-02-2012, 07:35 PM

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