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Forums in 'Living the Seven Commandments'
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Ask The Academy Rabbis
Welcome to the Forum and the United Noahide Academies® project for Torah-based Noahide education. Questions and comments about principles and observance of the Noahide Code have been answered by one of the experts on our team: - Dr. Michael Schulman, Director of Ask Noah International; - Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet, o.b.m., of Toronto, Canada; - Rabbi Moshe Weiner in Israel, author of "Sheva Mitzvot HaShem," "The Divine Code," and "Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge;" - Rabbi Yitzchok Dubovick in Israel; - Rebbitzin/Mrs. Shprintza Goldberg in Toronto, Canada; - Mr. David D. (Noahide), Great Britain. This extensive forum has 230 threads and almost 1500 posts. Unfortunately, it became impossible to maintain, so it was closed to new registrations, and archived as a study and information resource for our visitors. Questions or comments about anything posted in this forum (or about anything else) can be sent to our Contact Us page: We will be happy to make corrections or clarifications to the forum answers, as needed. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is the internationally acclaimed, in-depth codification of the Noahide Commandments: "THE DIVINE CODE," 4th Edition, by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.
Sub Forums:
Basic Principles (R,T),
Before Mount Sinai (R,T),
Torah Study for Noahides (R),
Noahide Prayer (R),
Optional Observances for Noahides (R,T),
End of Physical Life (T),
Prohibition of Idolatry (R),
Respect for G-d's Names (T),
Treatment of Animals/Forbidden Meat (R, T),
Prohibition of Murder and Injury (R, T),
Intimate Relations,
Prohibition of Theft (R, T),
Laws and Courts (T)
233 1,502 The Rosh Hashanah season
09-08-2024, 05:40 PM
by Director Michael