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tobacco and other drug use
Director Michael Wrote:
bdschuh Wrote:My Rabbi has suggested to me that I might want to imitate this behavior of a nazarite, although he says that there is no such thing [legitimately] as an actual Noahide nazarite vow. How would a Noahide go about imitating the behavior of a nazarite?
Would a Noahide "nazarite" abstain from all alcohol or just alcohol made from the grape?

Those details of the actual nazarite vow (Numbers 6:1-21) only applied for Jews, and only during the time of the First and Second Holy Temples.

I understand that corpse unclealiness is not relevant to a Noahide since Noahides cannot contract ritual impurity. I also understand that since Noahides can offer burnt offerings anywhere on a private altar that it would not matter if there were a temple. But, why would it not be relevant to a noahide "nazarite" as to whether he was in a promised land or not?

Why can't a Noahide be a "Nazarite?" It's not a mitzvah that's expressively forbidden to a Noahide in the Divine Code. Which parts of the vow are relevant and which parts are not?

Messages In This Thread
tobacco and other drug use - by bdschuh - 09-29-2007, 06:53 AM
RE: tobacco and other drug use - by leosmith678 - 05-10-2010, 09:24 PM
RE: tobacco and other drug use - by bdschuh - 11-08-2010, 07:26 AM
RE: tobacco and other drug use - by bdschuh - 11-19-2010, 11:12 AM
RE: tobacco and other drug use - by bdschuh - 11-04-2011, 02:54 AM

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