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Noahide Torah Study
Finch Wrote:Dr. Michael wrote: "You could create your own schedule for completing the entire Tanakh (the 24 Books of the Hebrew Bible) every 3 years, every year, etc., or even every month."
Question: Do you know of any sites where you can find a reading schedule that has already been put together?

I don't know of any established schedule for completing the entire Tanakh. If this is something you'd like to do, my recommendation is to obtain a reliable Orthodox-Jewish English translation of the Tanakh, such as the Artscroll Stone Edition, and make a flexible schedule for yourself with a goal to read a certain number of pages per day, or per week:

Finch Wrote:Dr. Michael wrote: "To understand the correct "simple meaning" of the text, one may refer to the classic explanations by Rashi."
Question: Where can we find a copy of this?

There is an edition from Judaica Press posted on line:

Overall, I think the Artscroll Stone Edition Tanach has the better English translation of the Hebrew Bible verses, and it follows the meaning as explained by Rashi very well.

Messages In This Thread
Noahide Torah Study - by scott allen - 08-22-2007, 03:56 AM
RE: Noahide Torah Study - by Director Michael - 01-17-2016, 12:28 PM
RE: Noahide Torah Study - by ASubmitter - 06-05-2016, 05:52 AM
RE: Noahide Torah Study - by Director Michael - 07-11-2016, 04:35 PM
RE: Noahide Torah Study - by TomBenNoah - 07-17-2018, 02:55 PM
RE: Noahide Torah Study - by Director Michael - 07-17-2018, 10:44 PM
Oral Torah - by saidjake - 09-28-2007, 03:55 PM

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