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the proper way to offer condolences to a Jew

A blessed Hanukah to everyone! I apologize for bothering you during the Festival of Lights, but I need help. Unfortunately, my Jewish neighbor had passed away and I am invited to attend the funeral service. I am not familiar with how religious the family is, but I have strong reasons to believe that the service will not be held according to the rules of Jewish tradition, G-d forbid. The Jewish family may lack religious education and not be aware of the severity of their transgression, but I am neither Jewish nor close family, and I fear I may offend someone by being too involved and urging them to change their plans. On the other hand, as a Hasidic Noahide I feel very uncomfortable attending a service that violates a Jewish person's right to a kosher funeral, G-d forbid. If the funeral nevertheless proceeds according to their wishes and against Torah law, G-d forbid, should I refuse the invitation?

May G-d protect Israel and the Jewish people.

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RE: the proper way to offer condolences to a Jew - by Hrvatski Noahid - 12-04-2010, 04:57 PM

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